Category Archives: Education

Turning over a new leaf…

a lot has happened lately; a lot that has changed, or rather refined, my perspective of the world and of what a life can actually mean.  i will thankfully be finished with law school by tomorrow at 4:00.  i know that i must somehow create an additional eight or ten pages for the paper that i am currently writing, but whatever it is, it will exist within the next sixteen hours.

we  are nearly moved into our new condo, and we absolutely love it.  after a number of nights on the couch (so many that i am actually embarrassed to disclose that number), we finally have a bed!  i think i had my best night of sleep ever last night.  it reminded me of when becca and i lived in l.a. without a bed and then, after so long, we finally each got one – it is pretty incredible!!!  haha

aside from the being done with law school thing, a number of other events have inspired my new approach to life.  one of my very close friends from california, clare, lost her mother recently.  clare was a friend of becca’s in college, but someone who i felt very close to instantly.  she is an incredible woman, smart and funny and kind, and it breaks my heart that she lost her mother; her mother who was so young and had so much life to live.  my friend jim wrote to me that “when a door closes, another one truly opens,” and i hope that that premonition materializes for clare.  i believe that it will.

in other life news, i have recently “reconnected” with some dear friends from my childhood.  it’s not as if i lost total touch over time, but a few key events have really reminded me of how important that they are, and how lucky i am to have such
“troopers” to stand by me through the years!  one of them is sarah.  she has an incredible husband and a model-worthy son, and i think that she may be the absolute kindest person this world is privileged to know.  i also was fortunate enough to see anna last week, one of the smartest and most thoughtful women i have ever known.  her family is responsible for many of my fondest memories (even though i sucked as a spy…anna, you know!).  i have also recently been in touch with amy, sarah’s older sister.  she also has a wonderful husband, and is pregnant with her first child!  i have no doubt that she will be one of the most amazing mothers ever.  lucky kids!

most incredible, perhaps, is the fact that i received an email today from a very dear friend from the past.  i do believe that my friendship with him was one of a life-changing magnitude.  i am so sorry that we have missed out on the last six years of one anothers’ lives, but i know him and he knows me, and i know i will have a rewarding friendship with him from this day forward.  some people may think it’s weird to love someone whom you’ve ever only seen a couple of times.  but i love him, and he is a wonderful old soul.  his son has an incredible role model.

maybe i am a bit too sentimental right now (i don’t think so!), but i have had a few days of intense school-related stuff and it’s all finally culminating in an end.  an end in many ways, but also a beginning.  i believe that this beginning will be the most fortunate one ever – with these amazing reconnections, combined with the completion of something that i really didn’t think i would ever complete.  oh yeah, and that i get to work with my dad.  that’s pretty awesome.

anyway, back to finishing the rest of the paper.  hopefully it will be completed tonight at some point.  whatever it is, i’m sure that it is passing,  good night all, and see you on the other side!

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a much needed update…

a little update about the state of affairs homefront…so much has been going on i don’t quite know where to start! i guess i should start with the three most life-changing happenings. first of all, mr. parks and i closed on our fabulous new condo on wednesday, and we couldn’t be happier about it. it really is beautiful, and i can’t wait for gus to check out the new digs! i’m leaving the decorating and room arrangement entirely to mr. parks’ discretion, since i’ve come to realize that he is my eyes and i am his ears. together, we remember things fairly well, but apart it’s a hopeless cause!

the second exciting thing at the moment is the fact that i’m almost ALMOST done with law school. these last couple of weeks feel like a major stretch. i apparently have to turn in a thirty page paper on monday, then i have to promptly start a second thirty page paper which is due the first week of may. i just had a presentation last week, and i somehow have to learn enough about my other three classes to take those exams. god, i fantasize about the time when i will no longer have to do so much work without being compensated. after this, i think i’m going to be done with school forever. and i mean that for real this time! on the positive side, so long as i finish all of the aforementioned requirements, i get to graduate and be officially finished with the last three years of postgraduate education. I CAN’T WAIT!

the third exciting thing is that i have a job!!!! i am so incredibly thrilled about it, and i feel like i’ve found the perfect niche. officially, i’ll be an “investment analyst,” but i’m not entirely sure of what that means (yet). i am quite willing to figure it out, though! i am going to be working with some incredible people who i care about very much, and i’m going to learn more than i can conceive of right now. i am so grateful for this opportunity and i can’t wait to get started!

anyway, i promise to update this blog on a much more regular basis. school has been driving me nuts and i’ve been out of town quite a bit. but you know what i love about this blog above all else? i love how it documents both the mundane and momentous events that mr. parks and i traverse each day. we will have a multi-media time capsule of everything we’ve shared together, and it will be here for our kids and our families…and for us! good night, all, i’m tired and not writing all that well!!!

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overcome yourself, not obstacles…

For quite some time now, I have told my self that there are no easy avenues in life – you simply cannot go around having wished granted, and things falling into your lap. Life is hard. It takes guts sweat and blood to achieve anything great in this life…or maybe not. Maybe it takes something else…

The old adages such as “if it is too good to be true than it probably is” or “nothing in life that is worth anything is easy” – these are good maxims to go by – I could agree with this to some extent. There are a lot of things in life, that if obtained without some sort of sacrifice, or hustle on your part, then you may have less respect for that which you have just received. I also agree on a certain level, that benefits that you may reap by chance, or “luck” may also be a very dangerous thing, because it didn’t take any discipline to obtain it. This is not bad advice. However, I am starting to think that these ideas are primarily, western indoctrinated philosophies or psychologies, that are starting to become outdated, and may soon be a farce if you want them to be…
I am not undermining the virtue of hard work here, but I am saying that perhaps instead of swimming up stream, there is a more efficient means of achieving all that you have ever desired. A more dynamic, matter-of-course method of harmonizing with the circumstances of your world instead of fighting them… I will tell you why…

Fundamentally, we all know that the earth is round, and it revolves around the sun. This was not always so. The world believed at one point that the earth indeed was flat and that the universe was a geocentric one. We all once believed in the Easter Bunny until we discovered otherwise. The point I am trying to make is that these ideas that we have established, are sometimes bound by our capacity to conjure or describe them. Laws and absolutes comfort us – it lets us know where we stand – a standard. Infinite possibilities scare us. The idea that there is so much out there that we do not know or even have the intellect to process, makes some people very uneasy – and of course there are others who don’t care one way or the other…to get back to my point (which I haven’t made yet
) without taking too much of a stream of consciousness detour is that I have been thinking seriously as of late about the power you have within yourself to discover things and even to change things – your reality, anything… be it physical things, conceptual things, defying physical laws of nature…or maybe just bending them by coming to a new understanding of your place in all of universe. I think that self deprecation is overrated. You don’t have to be tough on yourself anymore. There is nothing noble about suffering for any sort of plight or cause or goal anymore. The new era is coming where this kind of zeitgeist is outdated and archaic. Why? I will tell you in my next post…stay posted…(don’t you hate that?) I have to get the answer to two more questions…

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Drink, eat and be merry – but mostly drink

There has been so many holistic alternative medicines and therapy these days, that it seems easy to dismiss all of them as just another scam to get a health conscience public’s money. Maybe one in a hundred provide any kind of benifits, and those are probably too minute to notice in any sort of tangible, life improving way. There are countless diets and supplements all claiming that they hold the secret ingredient that will make your life longer, more enjoyable, and more fulfilling…well, here yet is another one.

The idea of the French Paradox – being how does a society of people with such a high intake of saturated fats have such a low rate of heart disease and other related diseases??? The answer is in their daily wine consumption. These people drink – I mean DRINK. What they drink is red wine by the gallon. Featured in Fortune magazine last month was an article dealing with a certain ingredient called Resveratrol a phytoalexin produced by several plants and especially any vine type grape bearing plants. It is found in the skins of red grapes but not nearly enough apparently to ward off any kind of coronary heart disease – so they say…they do make concentrated supplements of it however – that are currently being developed into semi-wonder drugs. The idea thus far, is that Resveratrol can stunt the aging process. Given in strong enough doses, it can prolong life 20% – so the theory goes. The studies have also found (through mice) that it wards off weight gain and ignites cellular regeneration that in theory in humans, could reverses the aging process and be used as a cancer treatment in the future. Not only will stop the cancer but actually reverses it through a process that induces apoptosis, which means it may kill cancer cells.

I know people with Cancer, as i’m sure everyone has known or knows someone presently, so i am always curious what kind of treatment is on the horizon. You never know…

Now I am prone to get caught up in this type of thing so take it with a grain of salt…but I’m definitely increasing my wine consumption! Read the Fortune article here – they are much more informative and articulate…enough so to make me want to write a post on it…interesting stuff though…

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